Our team are Committed in Supporting your NATO Codification Needs
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Authorised users can access CSIS, the UK's NATO
Codification System for all UK and Foreign NSN data with UK registered
Access our wide range of short training modules to assist our CSIS user community, or
learn something about NATO Codification for free.
Commercial Codification
Our team are ready and waiting to address your NATO Codification needs. Get your product codified to increase visibility in the global market place. Review our available packages.
MOD Sponsored Codification
If your Item(s) are requested by UK MOD , then you can get the item(s) Codified for
Anyone who sells, supplies, submits codification requests or provides a service to
the MOD must have a valid NCAGE Code. We can
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What we do ...

Who We Are
The United Kingdom National Codification Bureau are a team of MOD civilian NATO Codification specialists, part of the Ministry Of Defence DE&S Support Services Portfollio. We manage and maintain all aspects of NATO Codification for the United Kingdom Government and are the Sole Authority within the UK. Using our expertise and knowledge we simplify the Codification process for MOD Delivery Teams and Industry. We also offer a unique commercial codification service that increases visibility of your product(s) in the global marketplace. We are on hand to support MOD Delivery Teams and Industry partners, offering policy assistance, training solutions and any other NATO Codification support.

NATO Codification System
Established in 1958, the NATO Codification System (NCS) is the worldwide standard for item identification of military and civilian government items of supply using NATO Stock Numbers (NSNs). It is a uniform and common system for the identification, classification and stock numbering of Items of Supply, used by all NATO countries. and provides Item Names, Suppliers and Part Numbers, and Characteristics Data required in all phases of logistics, from procurement through to disposal. The system offers linkage between NSNs and other classification systems and is a common language of supply that promotes interoperability among nations and prevents duplication in supply chains.

Codification Support Information System (CSIS) is the system adopted by UKNCB to manage and process all NATO Codification activities and operations within the UK. The system boasts; a comprehensive data entry facilities for codification of NSNs comprising data-driven guided selection, automatic population from codification requests, full validation against NATO and MOD rules, automatic screening of references and technical characteristics, automatic handling of change requests for foreign items and manual creation of international requests/receipts, Data entry facilities for manufacturers to automatically create and assign NCAGEs. CSIS currently stores details of over 6 million NSNs and associated data.
Top FAQs
What is a NATO Stock Number?
- Classification is the NATO Supply Classification which is the Group and Class that the item sits in. The Groups and Classes are listed in the ACodP2.
- The Country Codes identifies the country that has codified the item. e.g. 99 tells us that this is a UK item which means that the design rights of the item lie in the UK.
- The last seven digits are randomly assigned to the item.
Why get your products NATO Codified?
When is a new NATO Stock Number required?
How much does NATO Codification cost?
. Alternatively, we have a range of Commercial Codification Packages to meet your needs. Please refer to our service comparison table below for further information.
Is NATO Codification Free to Ministry Of Defence?
What is an NCAGE Code?
Why is an NCAGE Code required?
How do I get access to CSIS?
How do I search CSIS for items that are already codified?
How do I search for multiple items on CSIS Search Tool?
Can Foreign NATO Stock Numbers be seen on CSIS search tool?
How do I search for Foreign NATO Stock Numbers?

FAQ - Commercial Codification
List of Frequently Asked Questions covering a renge of our commercial services.
PDF Icon FAQ - Comm Codi
FAQ – MOD Owned Equipment
List of Frequently Asked Questions relating to Codification for MOD owned equipment.
Information Trifold
Our Trifold contains a lot of useful information and contacts, feel free to print a copy.
PDF Icon Information TrifoldOur Codification Packages and Pricing
- eTasking Application Required
- 15 Working Day Timescale
- 5 Working Day Timescale
- Source Data Required
- Design Rights must be held in UK
- DMC, IMC Target System